Dec 9, 2020

You should always be prepared for emergencies, especially when you drive. This post is designed to help you put together your own emergency kit. Some of these ideas you might not want to use, but others should point you in the direction so you can make your own car emergency kit. Continue reading the rest of this entry to learn more!

What Should be Included in a Car Emergency Kit?

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Make sure you have some kind of flashlight in your car’s emergency kit. If you want to choose a battery-operated flashlight, make sure to get extra batteries and check regularly to see that they still have a charge. Alternatively, get a flashlight with a hand crank so you don’t need to rely on batteries.

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First Aid Kit

No emergency kit is complete without a first aid kit. You can simply buy one, or buy all the parts yourself. Get a container and fill it with at least the following to build a basic first aid kit:

  • Adhesive bandages
  • Gauze
  • Antibiotic Ointment
  • Medical Scissors
  • Non-Latex Gloves
  • Over-The-Counter Painkillers
First aid kit disassembled isolated background
open first aid kit yellow background

Winter Survival Clothing

If your car gets stuck in the snow or you hit some ice and slide into a ditch, you will be glad you packed winter weather essentials like gloves, a hat, an extra sweatshirt, and a scarf. You could even pack a blanket or two in the event that you need to stay warm inside the car until help arrives.

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Healthy, Non-Perishable Food

You don’t need to keep a lot of food in your car, but long-lasting foods that are high in protein and electrolytes could be lifesavers. Pack nuts, jerky, and dried fruit for a well-rounded emergency food supply. It won’t be enough to fill you up, but enough for you to have the energy you need to reach shelter or wait for rescue to reach you.